Your Leduc Choice for All your Emergency Dental Needs!

Leduc Emergency Dentistry | Prairie Dental | General & Family Dentist | Leduc, AB

At Prairie Dental, our team recognizes that dental emergencies can happen, often when we least expect it! They can be stressful and even frightening. Our experienced team is well-versed in handling a variety of emergency dental concerns as quickly as possible. As a general guideline, if you are uncertain whether a situation qualifies as a dental emergency, remember this: if it causes pain, it is an emergency! Even seemingly minor injuries can impact the living tissue inside your teeth, leading to potential complications if left untreated. If you suspect a dental emergency, Prairie Dental is here for you!

Leduc Emergency Dentistry | Prairie Dental | General & Family Dentist | Leduc, AB

Same Day Appointments Available for Dental Emergencies!

Emergency dentistry services | Prairie Dental | General & Family Dentist | Leduc, AB

Prairie Dental is committed to addressing your dental emergency quickly as possible. We maintain open appointment slots specifically for emergency situations, ensuring you can see a dentist quickly, even if you are not a regular patient. We understand the significant pain and stress associated with dental emergencies, and we work hard to ensure you remain as comfortable as possible throughout your visit. If you suspect you need emergency dental treatment, please call us immediately at (780) 986-6255, and we will make sure that you are booked in at the earliest opportunity possible.

Emergency dentistry services | Prairie Dental | General & Family Dentist | Leduc, AB

Dental Emergency Symptoms

If you are experiencing any of the following dental emergency symptoms, it is crucial to seek prompt dental or medical attention:

A loose tooth

Dental Loss of a tooth | Dental Loss of a tooth | Prairie Dental | General & Family Dentist | Leduc, AB

Loss of a tooth

Rinse the area but be sure to retain any remaining tissue. If the tooth is intact, immediately immerse the tooth in milk or saliva and come to our dental clinic within 15 to 90 minutes; beyond this time period we will not be able to reimplant the tooth. If this is not possible, set the tooth aside until you come in for a visit.

Services Icon | Prairie Dental | General & Family Dentist | Leduc, AB

A chipped, cracked or broken tooth

If you break your teeth, try to collect and set aside any large pieces if possible. Then, rinse your mouth out with water to ensure no small pieces remain.

Facial swelling

Services Icon | Prairie Dental | General & Family Dentist | Leduc, AB

Foreign Object Stuck in Teeth

If the object is small enough and there is no risk of damaging the tooth, carefully use dental floss to remove the object. Use care, and very minimal force. Do not try using a sharp implement of any kind. If the object cannot be removed, contact us.

Dental Severe gum or tooth pain | Prairie Dental | General & Family Dentist | Leduc, AB

Severe gum or tooth pain

Ensure no food is stuck in your teeth using dental floss. Then rinse with warm water. If the pain persists, schedule an appointment with us as soon as possible.

Dental Associated | Prairie Dental | General & Family Dentist | Leduc, AB

An abscessed tooth or an infection

If you experience a pimple-like swelling to your gums, perform a saltwater rinse, and contact us immediately, as abscesses can develop into serious infections.

A restoration, such as a bridge or crown, that is loose

Services Icon | Prairie Dental | General & Family Dentist | Leduc, AB

A loss of a crown or filling

If your dental crown has loosened or has come off, please make an appointment so that we can assess the tooth and re-cement the crown if possible.

Any bleeding from the mouth

Dental Services | Prairie Dental | General & Family Dentist | Leduc, AB

Bitten lip or tongue

Clean the area and apply force to reduce swelling and minimize pain. If you have broken the skin and bleeding persists, call us or visit the emergency room.

Services Icon | Prairie Dental | General & Family Dentist | Leduc, AB

Broken Jaw

If you have broken your jaw, apply ice or a cold compress to minimize swelling. Call us to schedule an appointment as soon as possible or go immediately to a hospital emergency department if in severe pain.

In a dental emergency, Prairie Dental is ready to provide the care you need. If you believe you require emergency dental treatment or you have any questions about a dental concern, please contact Prairie Dental immediately at (780) 986-6255. Our team is here to assist you!

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Contact the Prairie Dental team at (780) 986-6255 to book your Emergency Dentistry appointment today!